Almost lost my mind making Kuso. Sacrificed lots. Learned plenty. I hope some of yall like it. Uploaded to distro. It’s finally done(-ish).
— FLYLO (@flyinglotus) 2017年5月20日
Much love to all my true friends who stuck by me in the trenches and still answer when I call. I won’t forget it.
— FLYLO (@flyinglotus) 2017年5月20日
The hardest thing I’ve ever done. Seeing your visions come to life makes it all worth it and all the smiles and laughs and such. https://t.co/f28iHyfwzJ
— FLYLO (@flyinglotus) 2017年5月20日
Kuso will be out this Summer! The date and details are coming soon. After wrkin on this film for 2 yrs I’m ready for y’all to take the trip
— FLYLO (@flyinglotus) 2017年5月20日