投稿日 : 2019.06.27
米ジャズ専門誌『ダウンビート』が「第67回 批評家投票」を発表

米ジャズ専門誌『ダウンビート(DownBeat)』が毎年実施する“読者と批評家”の投票によって決定する「批評家投票(Critcs Poll)」。今年で67回目となる同投票の結果が発表された。
「年間最優秀アルバム部門」はウェイン・ショーターの2018年作『Emanon』。「歴史的アルバム部門」は、昨年話題となったジョン・コルトレーンの未発表音源『ザ・ロスト・アルバム(Both Directions at Once: The Lost Album)』。「最優秀ビッグバンド部門」「作曲家部門」「編曲家部門」の3つにはマリア・シュナイダーが選ばれている。

このほか、同誌の殿堂入り(DownBeat Hall of Fame)を果たしたのは、ニーナ・シモン(2003年没)、スコット・ラファロ(1961年没)、ジョー・ウィリアムズ(1991年没)の3名。
Hall of Fame: Scott LaFaro
Hall of Fame: Nina Simone
Hall of Fame: Joe Williams
Jazz Artist: Cécile McLorin Salvant
Jazz Album: Wayne Shorter, Emanon (Blue Note)
Historical Album: John Coltrane, Both Directions At Once: The Lost Album (Impulse!)
Jazz Group: Fred Hersch Trio
Big Band: Maria Schneider Orchestra
Trumpet: Ambrose Akinmusire
Trombone: Steve Turre
Soprano Saxophone: Jane Ira Bloom
Alto Saxophone: Miguel Zenón
Tenor Saxophone: Joe Lovano
Baritone Saxophone: Gary Smulyan
Clarinet: Anat Cohen
Flute: Nicole Mitchell
Piano: Kenny Barron
Keyboard: Robert Glasper
Organ: Joey DeFrancesco
Bass: Christian McBride
Electric Bass: Steve Swallow
Violin: Regina Carter
Drums: Brian Blade
Percussion: Hamid Drake
Vibraphone: Stefon Harris
Miscellaneous Instrument: Tomeka Reid (cello)
Female Vocalist: Cécile McLorin Salvant
Male Vocalist: Kurt Elling
Composer: Maria Schneider
Arranger: Maria Schneider
Record Label: ECM
Producer: Manfred Eicher
Blues Artist or Group: Buddy Guy
Blues Album: Buddy Guy, The Blues Is Alive And Well (RCA)
Beyond Artist or Group: Rhiannon Giddens
Beyond Album: Van Morrison & Joey DeFrancesco, You’re Driving Me Crazy (Legacy)
Rising Star–Jazz Artist: Sullivan Fortner
Rising Star–Jazz Group: Sons of Kemet
Rising Star–Big Band: Anat Cohen Tentet
Rising Star–Trumpet: Adam O’Farrill
Rising Star–Trombone: Natalie Cressman
Rising Star–Soprano Saxophone: Tineke Postma
Rising Star–Alto Saxophone: Darius Jones
Rising Star–Tenor Saxophone: Dayna Stephens
Rising Star–Baritone Saxophone: Lauren Sevian
Rising Star–Clarinet: Shabaka Hutchings
Rising Star–Flute: Orlando “Maraca” Valle
Rising Star–Piano: Sullivan Fortner
Rising Star–Keyboard: Kit Downes
Rising Star–Organ: Kit Downes
Rising Star–Guitar: Miles Okazaki
Rising Star–Bass: Dezron Douglas
Rising Star–Electric Bass: Felix Pastorius
Rising Star–Violin: Aaron Weinstein
Rising Star–Drums: Allison Miller
Rising Star–Percussion: Warren Smith
Rising Star–Vibraphone: Joel Ross
Rising Star–Miscellaneous Instrument: Theon Cross (tuba)
Rising Star–Female Vocalist: Sara Serpa
Rising Star–Male Vocalist: Jacob Collier
Rising Star–Composer: Kamasi Washington
Rising Star–Arranger: Kamasi Washington
Rising Star–Producer: Ambrose Akinmusire